Sensoryx & Interhaptics partner to streamline the creation of hand tracking interactions for VRFree

sensoryx vrfree interhaptics
sensoryx vrfree gloves interhaptics

Hand tracking is on the rise in the XR market. In the last couple of years, several emerging high quality and precise hand tracking technologies were introduced to the market.

Facebook came with the Oculus Quest 1 & 2, then Microsoft with the Hololens2 with hand tracking capabilities; but there are limitations in dealing with occlusions and in tracking outside the camera’s field of view on the headset.

Sensoryx is a Swiss technology startup that developed a wearable sensor system that not only captures every movement of its wearer with the utmost precision in real-time, it also does so without using external references (stationary cameras or laser beacons).

vrfree system by sensoryx
VRFree System by Sensoryx

One of the current challenges of hand tracking is how to translate an analogic input (the hands) into a logical one interpreted by software and to create scalable and easily implementable hand interaction content and that’s what we are bringing with Interhaptics application; the Interaction Builder.

Therefore, the two European tech start-ups, Sensoryx, and Interhaptics, are collaborating to integrate the VRfree Gloves with Interhaptics development suite. To bring the most seamless experience possible, Interhaptics will be integrating the VRfree system to enable users with a powerful hand-tracking device.

Rolf Adelsberger ceo of sensoryx
Dr. Rolf Adelsberger, Sensoryx CEO & Co-Founder

“We are excited to be working with the Interhaptics team on this exciting integration project. Creating software-based, scalable and easily implementable hand interaction content is a critical capability for the future of intuitive and natural interaction for XR users. Interhaptics are creating a tool that will enable the easy integration of hand interactions across a broad range of XR hardware devices. This will result in a standardized integration tool for developers and a much more immersive, realistic experience for XR users. As such, Sensoryx are delighted to be working with Interhaptics to ensure our VRfree system is fully interoperable with their Interaction Builder”

Interhaptics is a software company specializing in Haptics. Interhaptics provides hand interactions and Haptics feedback development and deployment tools for extended reality, mobile, and console applications.

eric vezzoli ceo of interhaptics
Eric Vezzoli, Interhaptics CEO & Founder

“We are thrilled to carry on this collaboration. VRfree is a solid device including precise and scalable hand tracking data. The capability to deploy this feature across different VR headset makes them a great device for several enterprise-related use-cases. They fit in our strategy to provide cross-platform design and deployment for Hand Tracking and Haptics devices.”

The VRfree® system consists of a pair of lightweight gloves, and an HMD module that you clip onto your headset (Oculus, HTC Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, or similar). The system is composed of different, complementary sensor types that are fully integrated into the gloves and HMD mount. It allows users to fully track their hands and fingers in 3D space — without any other 3rd party tracking device. The system does not require any other external references like cameras or beacons, making it the only mobile hand and finger tracking system available today.

The Interhaptics suite gathers two powerful tools. The Interaction Builder is a low code 3D engines plugin to develop realistic hand interactions in within 3 clicks. The application increases the value of the creation while significantly decreasing the time of development. Best used for hand-tracking and UX and this will soon support SensoryX VRFree Hand tracking system.

If you have a project and would like to collaborate and integrate your devices with Interhaptics contact us here.