Designing Haptics for Multichannel Device | Project Esther
In the latest rendition of CES , Razer showcased Project Esther : The world’s first...
In the latest rendition of CES , Razer showcased Project Esther : The world’s first...
Our Haptics composer 2.0 and Interhaptics Engine are now ready to enter in Beta Testing...
Haptics is ongoing a second renaissance in the latest year, with several markets implementing haptics...
Interhaptics was released to the public in September 2020. It supports an extensive list of...
The Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) is a reference in the world of XR interactions and...
The Oculus is one of the best standalone solutions with an embedded hand tracking system....
The Interaction Builder will allow you to create endless possibilities to design hand interactions for...
Haptic Composer will show you that haptics can be used as a powerful channel to...