Simon Frubis testing his haptic feedback

Wearable Haptics and Hand Interactions for VR with Simon Frübis (Haptics Club#9)

The Haptics club is an Open community about #Haptics. Founded by members of Unity, Interhaptics,...

Lucid VR Material Panel

The Open-Source Quest for Touch in VR with Lucas De Bonet (Haptics Club #7)

Lucas De Bonet has been working on a “Do It Yourself” VR haptic glove project...

A girl playing with Bubbles

Temporal, dynamic, and interactive nature of multisensory perception with Massimiliano di Luca (Haptics Club #5)

Massimiliano di Luca is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham with a scientific...

Someone helped for reading braille

The Shocking History of Haptics with David Parisi (Haptics Club #3)

Dive into the fabulous history of haptics with David Parisi, an haptics expert and Associate...

Haptic design for Automotive with Filip Aleksandrow

Haptic design for Automotive with Filip Aleksandrow (Haptics Club #2)

Digital touch screens are becoming more and more common in cars. But one of the...

A guy and a girl playing Car games with bhaptics tactsuit

Haptics in VR gaming with Alex Meland (Haptics Club #1)

When you are in a VR environment you embody the full experience, and it makes...