Haptic Composer 2.0, Haptic, Haptic Design, Interhaptics

A Path To A Sustainable Haptics Design Process

After quite a lot of user experience research, testing, and frustrating use of our first...

Two blue hands touching with blue geometric background

Interaction Builder New Features: 2-Hand Interaction & new snapping edition

The level of realism for hand interaction is extremely important in a haptic immersive experience....

Simon Frubis testing his haptic feedback

Wearable Haptics and Hand Interactions for VR with Simon Frübis (Haptics Club#9)

The Haptics club is an Open community about #Haptics. Founded by members of Unity, Interhaptics,...

artiness reality interhaptics

Interhaptics & Artiness Collaborate in creating Medical Applications for surgeons on the Hololens 2

Interhaptics is collaborating with Artiness to empower the development of hand tracking and interactions in...