Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Assistive
Find out how the experts at the Haptics industry forum perceive the possibilities of using...
Find out how the experts at the Haptics industry forum perceive the possibilities of using...
The Haptics club is an Open community about #Haptics. Founded by members of Unity, Interhaptics,...
In this article, you will discover how haptics brings value to this type of project...
The haptic community has spoken and we heard loud and clear. We keep improving and...
Massimiliano di Luca is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham with a scientific...
On Thursday, May 27th, key players from the haptics, hand tracking, and VR training industries...
This article was extracted from the Recommended Practices for Haptics in Enterprise VR published by...
Sensoryx and Interhaptics announced their collaboration in December 2020. The aim was to streamline the...
The implementation of accepted standards in a fragmented market always accompanied the growth and consolidation...
Last October, SenseGlove and Interhaptics announced their collaboration to streamline haptic design for exoskeleton gloves....