VRTK VS INTERACTION BUILDER (Hand interactions tools for VR/AR/MR)

VRTK is one, if not the most known open-source toolkit for VR solutions creation. It...


MRTK VS INTERACTION BUILDER (Hand interactions tools for VR/AR/MR)

The Mixed Reality Toolkit (MRTK) is a reference in the world of XR interactions and...

Virtual VR commerce Interhaptics

Haptic feedback for e-commerce with Interhaptics

Virtual commerce is a powerful tool for companies to promote their products and increase their...


VR Interaction Framework vs Interaction Builder (Hand interaction for Virtual Reality)

The market in terms of VR creation tools is constantly expanding with more and more...

haptics for virtual reality training

Haptics for VR training with Interhaptics

Interhaptics allows to cut dramatically the development time of a virtual training scenario. The platform...

Interhaptics with oculus quest

Develop hand tracking for Oculus Quest with Interhaptics

The Oculus is one of the best standalone solutions with an embedded hand tracking system....


Meet us at Laval Virtual !

A new era for conferences has just been launched thanks to Laval Virtual, which this...

hand tracking for AR/VR/MR

Hand tracking for VR and MR: naturally inspired UX and input

Hand tracking for VR & MR is bringing a new level of immersion and user...

hand interaction for virtual reality

Hand tracking experiences for virtual reality

In this blog post, we will analyze how Interhaptics manages the implementation of hand tracking...

haptic textures design for virtual reality

How to create digital haptic textures

After speaking about how haptics enriches interactions and objects in XR, in this post we...