Haptic Composer 2.0, Haptic, Haptic Design, Interhaptics

A Path To A Sustainable Haptics Design Process

After quite a lot of user experience research, testing, and frustrating use of our first...

Haptic Touch Input illustration

Multimodal Augmentation of Haptic Touch Input

What is the IEE World Haptics Conference ? The IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) is the...

Simon Frubis testing his haptic feedback

Wearable Haptics and Hand Interactions for VR with Simon Frübis (Haptics Club#9)

The Haptics club is an Open community about #Haptics. Founded by members of Unity, Interhaptics,...

what is haptics_haptic stack_interhaptics


Haptics is ongoing a second renaissance in the latest year, with several markets implementing haptics...

haptics for console vr mobile

Interhaptics announce haptic feedback design for PS5, Mobile, and integration with Hololens 2

Interhaptics was released to the public in September 2020. It supports an extensive list of...

haptic feedback for virtual reality

Personalize your haptic feedback to enhance your XR experience

In our previous blog posts, we explored how haptic feedback design brings value to interactions...

Heartbeat with haptic on Interhaptics Demo

How haptic feedback brings your objects back to life

After the use of haptic feedback design into 3D Interactions, let’s focus on how haptics...