A robotic arm playing with a ball

Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Tele-existence/Tele-robotics

In this article, you will discover how haptics brings value to this type of project...


The haptic community has spoken and we heard loud and clear. We keep improving and...

A girl playing with Bubbles

Temporal, dynamic, and interactive nature of multisensory perception with Massimiliano di Luca (Haptics Club #5)

Massimiliano di Luca is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Birmingham with a scientific...

VR Marketing Illustration

Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Marketing/Sales

This article was extracted from the Recommended Practices for Haptics in Enterprise VR published by...

Two blue hands touching with blue geometric background

Building the Haptics Future through Collaboration: The MPEG Haptics Standards submission (Process update #2)

The implementation of accepted standards in a fragmented market always accompanied the growth and consolidation...

Senseglove DK1

SenseGlove DK1 is now compatible with Interhaptics (No code experiences for exoskeleton gloves)

Last October, SenseGlove and Interhaptics announced their collaboration to streamline haptic design for exoskeleton gloves....

Someone helped for reading braille

The Shocking History of Haptics with David Parisi (Haptics Club #3)

Dive into the fabulous history of haptics with David Parisi, an haptics expert and Associate...

Interhaptics collaborates with Saarland University

Interhaptics Partners with Saarland University around the Haptic Design Challenges in Virtual Reality (VR)

Interhaptics and Saarland University’s HCI Lab and UMTL teams are collaborating to study and better...

Haptic design for Automotive with Filip Aleksandrow

Haptic design for Automotive with Filip Aleksandrow (Haptics Club #2)

Digital touch screens are becoming more and more common in cars. But one of the...

Interhaptics collaborates with Syntouch

Interhaptics and SynTouch partner for digital haptic experiences inspired by reality

Interhaptics (Paris, France) and SynTouch Inc. (Los Angeles, California) are partnering to empower creators of...