Someone helped for reading braille

Nobel Prize Awarded for Research About Temperature and Touch

Physiologist David Julius and neuroscientist Ardem Patapoutian were awarded for the Nobel Prize of medicine,...

Interhaptics Two hands snapping demo screenshot

Zoom on the new Interaction Builder features

The level of realism for hand interaction is extremely important in a haptic immersive experience....

Two blue hands touching with blue geometric background

Interaction Builder New Features: 2-Hand Interaction & new snapping edition

The level of realism for hand interaction is extremely important in a haptic immersive experience....

Haptic Touch Input illustration

Multimodal Augmentation of Haptic Touch Input

What is the IEE World Haptics Conference ? The IEEE World Haptics Conference (WHC) is the...

A finger touching a screen

The Process to Design Haptics: Integration Workflow

This article will cover the workflow that product managers should follow when considering haptics within...

Lucid VR Material Panel

The Open-Source Quest for Touch in VR with Lucas De Bonet (Haptics Club #7)

Lucas De Bonet has been working on a “Do It Yourself” VR haptic glove project...

Someone touching her phone

Touching over the Screen: Matching Haptic Rendering with Product Tactile Cues

In our newly published research into Technology Forecasting and Social Change with Sonia Capelli and...

Illustration of the Haptic Touch

What the Future Holds for the Haptics Market with James Hayward (Haptics Club #6)

The Haptics club is an Open community about #Haptics. Founded by members of Unity, Interhaptics,...

Two blue hands touching with blue geometric background

Building the Haptics Future through Collaboration: The MPEG Haptics Standards submission (Process update #2)

The implementation of accepted standards in a fragmented market always accompanied the growth and consolidation...

Someone helped for reading braille

The Shocking History of Haptics with David Parisi (Haptics Club #3)

Dive into the fabulous history of haptics with David Parisi, an haptics expert and Associate...