Haptics illustration

The Quest for VR Immersion with Hrafn Thorisson (Haptics Club #8)

Hrafn Thorisson has worked in the field of virtual reality (VR) experiences since 2013. The...

A finger touching a screen

The Process to Design Haptics: Integration Workflow

This article will cover the workflow that product managers should follow when considering haptics within...

Lucid VR Material Panel

The Open-Source Quest for Touch in VR with Lucas De Bonet (Haptics Club #7)

Lucas De Bonet has been working on a “Do It Yourself” VR haptic glove project...

A guy in a wheelchair using a VR headset

Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Assistive

Find out how the experts at the Haptics industry forum perceive the possibilities of using...

A robotic arm playing with a ball

Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Tele-existence/Tele-robotics

In this article, you will discover how haptics brings value to this type of project...

VR Training Illustration

Use Cases & Best Practices for Haptics at Scale in VR Training

On Thursday, May 27th, key players from the haptics, hand tracking, and VR training industries...

VR Marketing Illustration

Haptics Use Cases and Applications in VR: Marketing/Sales

This article was extracted from the Recommended Practices for Haptics in Enterprise VR published by...

Sensoryx VRFree Hand Tracking system

Sensoryx VRFree hand-tracking system is now compatible with Interhaptics

Sensoryx and Interhaptics announced their collaboration in December 2020. The aim was to streamline the...

Senseglove DK1

SenseGlove DK1 is now compatible with Interhaptics (No code experiences for exoskeleton gloves)

Last October, SenseGlove and Interhaptics announced their collaboration to streamline haptic design for exoskeleton gloves....


Interhaptics collaborates with Matteo Piviotti to study the impact of haptics on VR training

Interhaptics and the VR@POLITO lab of Politecnico di Torino University in Turin, Italy, are collaborating...